Refund and cancellation policy

Coverage & Scope:

Our refund policy covers the refunds by Inizsoft Technology and any brands/companies owned by Inizsoft Technology.
This policy does not have any application for companies which are not owned or controlled by Inizsoft Technology for persons not employed or managed by iWebServices.

Filing a Complaint:

At Inizsoft Technology, We take every assignment with the final output in sight. It is as much our responsibility as it is of the customer. So, we believe that every effort should be made to reach a solution that is fully acceptable reciprocally in case of any situation where dissatisfaction related to services comes. Only when things are completely out of hand that refund should be considered.

Our final aim is to come to a mutually acceptable solution. Even then if for some reason you are not satisfied and think about going for a refund claim, it is our request that you take out a few precious minutes to write to us at for a final dialogue prior to requesting a refund.

Only if we are unable to reach a common ground with you after talks should a refund claim be filed.

Types of refund:

Full refund: In cases where the assignment has not been started or if no documentation has been initiated. The Full Refund policy will initiate after receiving the upfront payment and will take 10 to 20 Days to refund the amount.

Partial refund: If there is a failure to deliver as per our agreed solution delivery through duly signed contracts, the partial refund will be in proportion to the assignment completed.

No refunds: If the assignment has been completed and all documents are sent over to the client including materials, if any.